Sleeping in Makeup

Why do we need to wash our face before bedtime?

First of all, washing your face is an important part of our hygiene. Our face is our front liner, it accumulates more oil than the other parts of our body, and oil clogs our pores, which results to acne and impurities. Cleaning our face is important for everyone especially for those who wear make up every day. Make-up, oil and dirt dig deep into our pores and ordinary facial rinsing isn’t enough.

Rinsing is not washing. You need a cleanser. Here’s why…

  • Washing your face removes not only makeup, but the dirt and dust that your face accumulated throughout the day. Make-up clogs your pores and is filled with all the outside elements from the day like dirt, dust, smoke, smog, etc. The make-up acts like a magnet for all of those things and when you leave your makeup on too long your pores will get clogs and that can lead to large pores, acne, rashes, and irritated skin. That can also cause our skin to feel rough and uneven.
  • When you don’t remove eye shadow, or mascara, it is possible that you may touch or rub your eyes while you sleep, and that can cause your lashes to break and become brittle. It can also cause some eye irritations and possible infections.wash face before sleep
  • Your face needs to exfoliate naturally by shedding the dead skin, but if your makeup is left on your face, it does not allow that to happen. That can cause a dull appearance, or flaky dry skin that is uneven on your face.
  • Your skin repairs itself at night and clean skin can absorb skincare products better. Don’t forget that moisturizer! Always apply your clinical products after you wash your face.

Clean skin can absorb all of its ingredients and nutrients. I would recommend that you use an organic moisturizer since its contents doesn’t include any harsh ingredients.

Best moisturizer will be Nayelle’s since it’s all organic. It contains all natural ingredients that is well proven by time like Tremella Mushroom and Sea Kelp extract that retains moisture and locks in hydration like crazy!

Overnight, the skin needs oxygen to repair itself. And sleeping with your makeup on deprives it of this vital nutrient. “When makeup is left on, it blocks the natural exfoliating process, which can leave your skin looking dull”, says Dr. Robins Ashinoff, Director of Cosmetic Dermatology at Hackensack Medical Center in New Jersey.

  • Research shows cleansing before bed is essential to looking younger, longer.

night face washingEvery day your skin is aging. And the very simple process of washing your face before bed is an excellent way to mitigate the external factors associated with aging and to stimulate the internal processes that fight aging. Overnight, the skin needs oxygen to repair itself. And sleeping with your makeup on deprives it of this vital nutrient. “When makeup is left on, it blocks the natural exfoliating process, which can leave your skin looking dull”, says Dr. Robins Ashinoff, Director of Cosmetic Dermatology at Hackensack Medical Center in New Jersey.

  • Nighttime cleansing is essential for letting anti-aging ingredients work.

Nocturnal blood flow in the skin is higher. And when blood flow is increased so is absorption and penetration of ingredients. So again, if you aren’t washing you can’t apply actives that will help fight aging or acne or whatever your skin condition might be.

  • Forgoing nighttime cleansing regularly will give you larger pores.

First, consider that excess oil, dead skin cells, and pollution are sitting on your face. Not to mention make-up. A cleanser will emulsify all of these and remove them from the surface of your skin. According to Dr. Dennis Gross, M.D., when makeup is left on it can seep deep down, clogging pores. He also says that once your collagen levels start to decline due to aging, the pores do not snap back as easily once they become enlarged. And leaving make-up can lead to inflammation that can generate free radicals and collagen breakdown.

This in part causes the skin to lose a significant portion of water at night.  According to an article, Nocturnal Itch by the Departments of Dermatology and Neurobiology & Anatomy at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, transepidermal water loss (TEWL) is significantly increased during the night, which is why our skin can sometimes feel itchier at night. Thus, if you don’t wash your face, you can’t apply a moisturizer which will help Hydrate your skin while you sleep.

  • Daytime cleansing prevents excess oil production. Why then do I have to wash it again in the morning, I went to bed with it clean? As we just learned, overnight your skin recovers. This means in the morning, you have more dead skin cells to slough off. And more excess sebum to emulsify. These can’t be rinsed away with mere water.
  • Moisturizers evaporate when on the skin all day, so washing your skin and applying moisturizer at night ensures it will stay moist and hydrated. Skin care ingredients simply don’t last so giving your skin a new application of products at night is essential.

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