Snow Mushroom – The Best Hydrating Ingredient

Snow Mushroom - The Best Hydrating Ingredient Tremella Mushroom, specifically “Tremella Fuciformis”, also called Silver Ear Mushroom, is used in Asia as a Qi and immune tonic. Tremella mushroom is also highly price as a youthful skin tonic for a healthy complexion. It is said that imperial Concubine Yang Guifei (719-756), considered the most [...]


Suffering from sensitive skin

Having a sensitive skin type can mean different things to different people. It can be caused by skin conditions such as rosacea, eczema or allergies. Sensitive skin can become inflamed and irritated easily. It is important to choose the right skin care for sensitive skin because many cleansers and moisturisers contain ingredients that can [...]


Pollution and your skin

Pollution isn't just threatening the planet. Research shows that it can also be bad for your complexion. We all know that one of the enemies of modern civilization is “Pollution”. In fact it’s a silent killer who is responsible for causing various diseases and many of them are also fatal. Very few of us [...]


Reasons to wash your face before bedtime

Why do we need to wash our face before bedtime? First of all, washing your face is an important part of our hygiene. Our face is our front liner, it accumulates more oil than the other parts of our body, and oil clogs our pores, which results to acne and impurities. Cleaning our face [...]


How to look years younger? – Its your skincare

Our skin ages overtime, it starts a little before and after you turn 18 years old, as we get older, metabolic rate in our skin cell slows down. Did you know that when you are young, the top layer of the skin is renewed every 25 days but as you grow older it takes 40 [...]



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