Hyaluronic Acid in Skin Care

Hyaluronic Acid in Skin Care HYALURONIC ACID is the multitasking work horse of any quality skin care product. When we refer to “baby skin” it usually means flawless, smooth, glowing skin… or in other words perfect skin! It is not a surprise that babies’ skin has the highest levels of HYALURONIC ACID. As we age [...]


Snow Mushroom – The Best Hydrating Ingredient

Snow Mushroom - The Best Hydrating Ingredient Tremella Mushroom, specifically “Tremella Fuciformis”, also called Silver Ear Mushroom, is used in Asia as a Qi and immune tonic. Tremella mushroom is also highly price as a youthful skin tonic for a healthy complexion. It is said that imperial Concubine Yang Guifei (719-756), considered the most [...]



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